NKPT Online Personal Trainer

Personal Training Online With Neil King

Neil King has over 15 years experience as a personal trainer and nutrition coach people from all walks of life as they work to achieve their health and fitness goals. NKPT Online is designed to give everyone access to amazing virtual training and nutrition advice.

"I understand not everyone can train for two hours a day, 7 days a week and eat 5 meals a day; that’s where I can tailor the perfect plan to fit around your lifestyle. Book your FREE, no-obligation consultation call with me today to start your fitness journey."

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What I Offer Text

What Are The Benefits of Online Personal Training?

Online training provides the same benefits as in-person training. The only difference is consultations are done over the phone or by video call. All you need is a phone signal or an internet connection and you’re all set. An online PT offers flexibility and convenience. You can train from any location at a time that suits your schedule, which makes it more likely that you will stick to your workout and nutrition plan.

Keeping focus is not always easy, especially when life gets a little hectic. A virtual trainer and fitness coach will hold you accountable in the same way as they would in an in-person training session. Online workouts are designed to keep you engaged and motivated. The online PT format is also a great way to track your progress over time too. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or improve your general fitness, an online personal trainer will help you stay on course and work with you to achieve your fitness goals.

Success Stories

Online Personal Training Success Stories

Real people, real results…

Ian Swanston

"Another gain for me is my mental strength; I feel like I have more energy and am more productive at work and at home."

Jenni Parks

"If you want to get real results then Neil will definitely help you to achieve that, I highly recommend him."

Lucy Swanston

"Neil is so approachable, encouraging and motivating as a trainer. He makes you want to drive forward and do more."

Franky Tarrant

"After my first week I was looking better but more importantly feeling better."
See More

Is Online Personal Training A Good Option For Me?

Everyone is on their own fitness journey and there is no one size fits all for personal training plans. There are different types of online personal training, however. It is generally a good idea to work with an online PT service that includes an initial consultation. This can be done over the phone or video chat.

A discussion with a fitness professional can help you outline your fitness goals and ensure you receive a personalised fitness plan that is suited to your needs. This is especially important if you have any previous injuries, mobility issues, or health conditions that would need to be considered in your training plan.

Neil King Memberships

NKPT Online Virtual Training Packages

3 Month Package

3x £133 monthly payments
Tailored nutrition plans
Discovery call on sign-up
Instant messaging with Neil
Twice weekly check-ins
Dedicated app and video support

1 Month Package

One off payment
Tailored nutrition plans
Discovery call on sign-up
Instant messaging with Neil
Twice weekly check-ins
Dedicated app and video support
Neil King Personal Trainer

Choose Neil As Your Online Personal Trainer

During his time in the fitness industry Neil has had one-to-one sessions with people from all walks of life, including busy parents, travelling professionals, competing athletes and a few celebrities too. 

Bringing the personal training service online has opened up the PT experience to anyone, no matter the location or personal schedule. With Neil as your virtual personal trainer you will be able to fit your workouts and nutrition plan around your life. 

Online personal training with Neil is great for people who are already on a fitness journey, as well as those who are just starting out. You will get an online fitness and nutrition plan that is tailored to your fitness goals.  Get in touch to book a consultation with Neil today.
Book Your Consultation today