About Me

Hi, I'm Neil King

Health and fitness has always been my passion and after spending the past 15 years helping people achieve their health and fitness goals from my gym in Buckingham, I decided to take my Personal Training services online.

My clients have achieved unbelievable results through my online personal training plans and I wholeheartedly believe in helping people to change their lives for the better, equipping them with the knowledge needed to lead a happier, healthier life.

I have trained many athletes in my  time,  but  I  gain  more  satisfaction  from  helping  regular  people  who  lead busy  lives  and want to improve their health. My extensive experience in personal training and nutrition means I know how to get real results for my clients by personalising a programme specifically to you and providing continuous support and motivation, helping you to achieve the results you want in record time.

It would be easy to assume online PT means losing the ‘personal’ aspect, but I know there is no one size fits all method or single template for success. All of my online personal training packages are completely bespoke. There is no copy and pasting plans, I get to know you as an individual, determine what is realistic for you in terms of time commitment, and never compromise on communication.

I know not everyone can train for two hours a day, seven days per week and eat five meals a day, so, starting with a 1:1 consultation with me to identify your goals, I create a personal training plan completely tailored to you and your lifestyle, enabling you to make positive changes sustainably. My dedicated app allows access to a customised video suite and instant messaging with me to keep you motivated throughout your journey, so you’ll be supported the whole way.

With my knowledge and expertise, there is nobody better to help you succeed in reaching the health and fitness goals you desire. Book your FREE, no-obligation 1:1 consultation with me today, and you may just achieve more than you ever thought possible.

-Neil King