Will Online Personal Training Work For You?

January 25, 2021

Traditionally, when people consider a Personal Trainer, it is usually in a face-to-face, 1-to-1 format.

However, thanks to technological advancements, Personal Training is now available at your fingertips.

Online Personal Training is rapidly increasing in popularity, not just for the super busy but the benefits are gaining traction for all groups of people, no matter their circumstances.

Let’s have a look at why online Personal Training is gaining such momentum within the fitness community.

Extremely Cost Effective

Who doesn’t like to make a saving?

The difference in price is unquestionable, with 1-to-1 personal training sometimes costing four times the price of online training. When you put that into perspective, that’s 1 month of online for the cost of a singular 1-to-1 Personal training session.

You may be wondering how this can be. Well an online Personal Trainer’s overheads are much lower when you take into consideration the likes of travel and gym fees. The client, therefore, benefits from lower rates and a Trainer with more time to focus on their client’s needs.  

Wider choice in Trainers

Typically, when you consider getting a personal trainer you would approach your gym, who put you in touch with one of their resident personal trainers who work for them. Usually you will have no idea who they are nor their background.

However, with online Personal Training, you have the freedom to research and pick a trainer that suits your needs without geographical limitations.

Additionally, with the amount of online personal trainers available on a steep incline, the market has become competitive. What does this mean for you? Well, to stay ahead of the game, a good Personal Trainer will be up to date with all the latest fitness developments, continually broadening their knowledge and services on offer to give themselves an edge in the market.

The myth that exercises can’t be performed correctly

This is a common concern, especially for those with little knowledge on exercise techniques.

However, rest assured that a good online Personal Trainer will ensure their client has a solid understanding of how to perform required exercises. Step-by-step pictures or more commonly multi-angle videos will be provided to display the correct form and technique.

It is likely that your Personal Trainer will ask you to video yourself from time to time so that they can review your technique and provide you with any additional directions needed.

Time and Location are not relevant

You complete your workouts where and when you want!

Online training offers the greatest flexibility with regards to time and location. As long as you get your workout in for the day, whether that be in the morning or evening, in the park, gym, office or home.

This is one of the beauties of online personal training, you make it work around your schedule.

Comprehensive online support and immediate attention

You don’t have to wait until your next session to get your questions answered. Let’s be honest, it’s quite likely you will have forgotten them within 4 days.  

Your trainer will always be available for your questions and will carry out continuous assessments, so you can both keep track of your progress.

Motivation and accountability

You may need a little more motivation and online Personal Trainers are aware of this. You can expect regular check-ins to answer any questions, ensure workouts are being completed and general motivation and accountability towards you training program is in place.

Whilst the main downfall with Online personal training is safety, especially for those who lack basic knowledge on completing specific exercises with correct form and technique; there are things your Personal Trainer will do to combat this as best they can:

• Provide detailed, multi angled videos

• Thorough yet concise training and exercise instructions

• Regular check-ins, offer advice and answer questions

• Systematic assessments