Why Online Personal Training is a winner

April 12, 2022

As much as I love meeting people in person and have no issues at all with face-to-face gatherings, I have absolutely no doubt that taking Personal Training sessions online has been a great thing.

One of the few positives to come out of the pandemic was an acceleration of everyone’s ability and confidence in using online technology. From grocery shopping to Birthday celebrations, over the past two years we’ve all become so much more accustomed to making life’s arrangements via our PCs, tablets or phones.

I admit that for some things, nothing really compares to being in the same room. When it comes to initial consultations and regular update sessions with my Personal Training clients however, I think it’s fair to say that we actually achieve more ‘virtually’.

Here are just some of the reasons I’m now an online coaching convert:

  1. It allows costs to be kept to a minimum
  2. No time is lost to travelling
  3. Sessions can take place regardless of geography 
  4. Consultation time is maximised
  5. Interruptions are minimised

Making the best use of budget and time 

By keeping my overheads low – no studio, office or booked space to cover – I can also keep my session costs low too. If a client has an hour of my time, they essentially only have to set aside an hour of their time – not extra allowance for travelling to our meeting place, no extra cushion to allow for traffic or to find a parking spot. 

Increasing accessibility 

An online offering means that car ownership or access to reliable public transport is no longer a necessity -a fact that has opened up my services to those who struggled to commit to regular meetings in the past. Now, I’m not going to claim that I alone am saving the planet, but in a time when we are encouraged to think about the necessity of our journeys, online meetings are doing their bit to help.

Minimising interruptions

Many of my clients chat with me before, after, or sometimes during their fitness session so progress and questions are front of mind and enthusiasm and energy are generally on a high. There’s no interruption to their schedule, no momentum lost, and no time wasted. What’s more I can check-in and even get a close-up on technique to make sure that exercises are being done safely and to maximum effect.

Maximising support

Being available online makes me almost omnipresent. My availability to answer any queries is optimised and my ability to ‘drop-in’ for a chat between scheduled Personal Training sessions is increased. Keeping up the personalisation and ensuring that everything stays firmly and reassuringly on track is of utmost importance to me and online 1 to 1 coaching makes this possible.

Removing the need to pause when you don’t want to

I understand completely when clients want to take a break from their fitness programmes when they are on holiday, but I also know many people who find the idea of 2 weeks without their regular exercise fix difficult. With online PT there’s no need to pause even if you’re on the other side of the world and to many that’s a very reassuring – dare I say even joyous – thing!

Perhaps you are someone who’s always wanted to have a Personal Trainer but couldn’t commit to regular physical meet ups. If so, then why not consider pursuing your fitness and wellbeing goals by the convenient, highly effective online route? Visit https://www.neil-king-personal-training.co.uk/

for more details.