Personal Training is not an elite sport

April 12, 2022

Most top flight athletes will have Personal Trainers. In fact, they will probably have a whole team of trainers, covering exercise programmes, nutritional plans, performance improvement and many other areas of fitness.

I myself have worked for athletes and found the whole experience to be both satisfying and enjoyable.

That said, the years I have spent helping those at the top (or very close to the top) of their game were nowhere near as rewarding as the ones I have more recently spent helping people from all walks of life navigate their own fitness journeys.

Helping someone who can train for two or more hours per day, seven days a week and eat a nutritionally-balanced five-meals-a-day menu is one thing; helping someone who is fitting their exercise programme around real life (perhaps even eating as and when they can find the time) is another. 

I personally find the challenge of supporting a regular working individual with real-life demands on their time to be the most gratifying. I’m sure I wouldn’t be in the Personal Training business if I didn’t like a challenge but, to be honest, seeing a positive transformation in someone who has to fit training in around a plethora of other things can be quite amazing. If that individual had low expectations to begin with, or had previous negative experience of exercising, then a successful outcome means even more to me.

Day to day life never seems to get any easier. Work commitments on their own can be overwhelming but add a busy family life into the mix and it’s difficult to see where there’s any space to fit in any time for training. This is where the true strengths of a good Personal Trainer can really shine through.

My role is to craft the tailor-made plan which will realistically mould around your lifestyle. When it comes to the time which your job and your family demand there’s not much I can actually change, but what I can do is to make sure that you make the very most of the time that you do have available and maximise the health and wellbeing benefits you can achieve for yourself.

Every single online training package I offer starts with a discovery call. This is the time when we both assess what we are working with, including starting level of fitness, ultimate goals and actual time available to devote to a plan. From this initial point we can produce a bespoke programme of training and a nutritional plan that’s totally unique to you. 

Two personal check-ins per week and 24/7 access to my dedicated app, videos and messages will then continue to keep us on track. Whilst my knowledge and training means that I know and understand the ‘technical bits’ of an exercise plan, it is the on-going support which really can be the difference between success and failure. I’ve never been a big fan of accepting failure and I don’t intend to start now…

Take your first step towards achieving your fitness goals today by visiting Elite, super-athletes need not apply!