10 Steps to Re-programme Your Mind

June 22, 2020

The physicality of your workout is only half of the challenge. Having the right mind set is just as important, if not more. Your mind is the other piece to the puzzle when it comes to an effective training programme. It will play a huge part on those days your motivation levels are low, and frustration sets in.

The fact that you are here right now means you have already decided to take an interest in the additional benefits of getting your mind right to accomplish your workout goals.

Once you make the decision of fully commit to your goals you are already winning!

The mind is a powerful tool and can be the difference between the successful, and those that sit in a plateau or eventually give up.

Here are 10 steps to re-programme you mind

1. Define your why

Become clear on why you want to achieve your goals.

Having a clear understanding of your why will help you through those tough workouts, putting your goals into perspective and helping you to dig deep.

As great as your aesthetic goals are, they are not ideal for re-programming your brain. Instead you need to consider why you want to look better. What benefits will it give you?

2. Take Action – ESPECIALLY when you do not want to do it

You hold the key to your success. When you do not have the right mindset, it can be easy to give up, especially on those days when you can think of every reason why not to workout.

However, when you have the temptation to abandon or procrastinate doing your workout it is the perfect time to get up and do it.

Prove to yourself you can do it, especially when you think you can’t. You will ultimately control the temptation to abandon ship. The mental payoff alone will leave you feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Do not allow negative thoughts to take up any more of your brain space than they already have.

Think about it, once it is done it’s one more session complete, and one more workout you’ve banked towards reaching your goals.

3. Shake off those limiting beliefs

Stop punishing yourself! Self-perception can be so damaging and will ultimately limit you or uplift you, why not choose the later.

You have already put yourself in the right place and started to change your mindset to enhance your workouts and goals – you’re on the right track, keep yourself there.

Seize the day! It’s a new opportunity to surprise yourself, challenge yourself, and reach those goals. The decision to do so is yours.  

4. The power of ‘Less is More’

Don’t try to bite off more than you can chew! I am talking about changes to your routine and habits.

Slow and steady will win the race. Take your time to adapt to new changes one step at a time. You run the possibility of lowering your productivity if you try to spread yourself too thin.

5. The weekend mindset

Don’t allow ‘the weekend mindset’ to consume you. That’s not to say that rest is not important – because it is, and a key component to your training program.

Your job may be Monday to Friday, it does not mean your workouts need follow the same pattern.

Set yourself weekend fitness goals. Try optimising the fact you are not bound by your work commitments. It is another opportunity to cash in another workout (or two).

6. The progress stopper

Think about what is stopping you from progressing in areas you know you should be?

Write them down on a piece of paper, scrunch it up, and now throw it away. Bet that felt good! This metaphorical example is no different than the physical reality.

Understand that you are in control and that no action can come from inaction!

7. Have commitments not wishes

The time is now!

Don’t just wish for you goals, commit to them happening. You need to ask yourself what you are really committed to do to get it done?

8. Write it down

Get yourself a training journal and start by writing down your workout goals. This will help you visualise them and understand the differences they can make to you.

This will help give you further clarity, direction and inspiration.

Once you have written down your goals, use your journal to record your daily workout achievements. This will not only help you keep track of your training programme but highlight the improvements you have made day-by-day and week-by-week, becoming a powerful tool to reflect upon when enthusiasm levels are low.

9. Analyse your challenges

Be practical with your workout goals, they should be challenging yet realistic in expectations.

Taking the time to analyse your challenges will allow you to take the necessary positive steps to address them. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach here as this will only lead to disappointment.

10. Get out of your comfort zone

‘Change begins at the end of your comfort zone’ – Roy T. Bennett

You can’t expect to see results without change.  

Here are a few pointers to consider when stepping outside of your comfort zone:

• Start out slowly

• Don’t shy away from a little bit of pain

• Push a little further and harder

• Focus on the payoff

• Try something new

As you challenge your body, your muscles and mind will adapt.