
Suzanne Lewis

When Suzanne first started working with me she was a size 20, hadn’t exercised for years and was concerned about her health.

The client

When Suzanne first started working with me she was a size 20, hadn’t exercised for years and was concerned about her health. Suzanne has 3 young children and she felt guilty that she couldn’t keep up with them. Being a single mum having to juggle childcare and work, Suzanne had found herself focusing on the children and not taking care of herself.  

The assessment

The goal for Suzanne was to improve fitness and lose weight whilst toning up. Suzanne was enthusiastic from the start and keen to learn about exercise and nutrition so we had a great basis to start.

The solution

We started with our usual assessments to ascertain Suzanne's starting point, then we worked together to tailor a plan that would get her where she wanted to be, working first on technique and consistency to help create a programme that would last long-term. With her meal plan it was important that the meals were healthy and balanced but also quick and easy so Suzanne could fit them in to family life.  

The results

In less than a year, Suzanne has far exceeded all of her goals! She has lost over 30kg and is fitter than she has ever been. Suzanne's training and diet plans have been updated to push her further once each goal has met and although she has exceeded all of her initial goals, she has decided to stay with me and push herself further.


Since working with Neil, I have lost over 30kg and dropped from size 20-12. I have never felt better and my kids are so happy to have a more energetic mum! I can’t thank Neil enough.