
Sue Barratt

"With very regular check ins with Neil, there was no hiding place."

If it’s important to you, you will find a way. If it’s not, you will find an excuse. 

My client, Sue, has certainly made it important to her.

12 weeks of work, and WOW, look at her transformation. 

Oh, did I mention this was done with home workouts 90% of the time?

Yes, you don’t need a gym to get in shape. 

With a senior-level career and having to travel frequently, along with family and life struggles, Sue has done amazing work. 

At times I’ve had to be strict with Sue, but like I’ve said to her and what I say to all of my clients-

You’re paying me for a result. 

Would you get the same result if I wasn’t as demanding?

We will now have a small diet break and try to focus on building the glutes and legs a touch. 

Here is what Sue had to say:

“I started training with Neil in February online. We had a Teams call to discuss my goals and what had and hadn’t worked for me before. I had been meaning to lose weight since my youngest daughter was born 15 years ago and just never had the motivation, or to be honest knowledge, and kept dabbling in various diets but I never lost weight properly. 

I told Neil I needed to be told exactly what to do and to eat and it really worked for me. The combination of the right diet and exercise was key. With very regular check ins with Neil, there was no hiding place. I won’t lie, it was tough love in the beginning but it was exactly what I needed. Motivation came as the pounds came off and I started to feel so much better about myself. I have the odd PT sessions with Neil as well as continuing the online program and it’s a good mix. His knowledge of diet and the right exercise is first class. I now keep to my weekly plan with Neil, if I’m off track, he helps me get back on track. I enjoy the healthy food and my new flatter stomach! Giving away all my “fat” clothes to charity and having a shopping spree was great. I’m now maintaining at a size 8-10 and we are working on building muscle tone. I was a size 14 before. Highly recommend Neil to anyone.”